Video marketing techniques are flooding today’s social media outlets and websites. These days almost any type of business would benefit from the production of a short video to introduce their products and services. Studies have shown that consumers are at least 64% more likely to purchase a product or service that has video representation. This makes establishing a personal connection with buyers through the means of video marketing a key element in the future of online marketing.
There was once a time that attaching a picture of one’s products or services was enough to entice buyers. While images can most certainly enhance your business and communicate with a consumer, videos have a much further reaching effect on today’s media driven culture. People are presented with so much information that they have to make a decision about what they take the time to read and view. Video promotions will bring a clearer understanding of the benefits of a product or service. Consumers also find it more convenient to watch a video while trying to accomplish other tasks. Providing this convenience to the consumer has proven to be a highly effective marketing technique.
It has been estimated that somewhere close to 75% of business professionals watch promotional videos at least once a week for relevant products and services. At least half of the content is watched straight from Of those that watch these online ads, half of them will end up visiting the promoted company’s website.
Live action ads are also more likely to be shared through social media outlets versus text based information. It’s been recently rumoured that Facebook has updated its algorithm to favour video posts above all other types of content. A business now has the ability to reach a larger viewing audience by creating or sharing memorable or funny videos. Video ads and promotions will entice a person to an emotional response. Most often, a person will share information they identify with the most, allowing your business free exposure to a potential clients friends, family, and followers.
The rapid growth of e-commerce has resulted in more consumers becoming comfortable with the idea of making their purchases online. This makes it increasingly important for companies to establish an engaging and personal connection. Videos that welcome a consumer to the website (such as this one) gives an immediate association to the product or services. Naturally, movement catches a person’s eye and compels the viewer to pay closer attention. Websites that utilise videos to draw the attention of the viewer have an immense advantage over those that rely on simple text and images.
While techniques used for promotions are constantly evolving, consumer behavior still suggests that purchases are made when personal connection has been established. It is normal for a person to feel a greater connection to another person when they have the ability to read body language. Videos bring that association to a consumers mind and allows for greater trust and confidence in a business.
Not only is personal connection established through the use of this form of media, but seeing a product in action will produce a greater faith in its capabilities. The use of eye catching visual media will help a buyer feel more confident in their purchase. This brings trust and credibility to a company’s website and products.
It has been proven that video content has increased conversion rates in sales. However, poor production quality may have the reverse effect on a consumer. Products and services that are not presented well can drive away prospective business. As with all marketing techniques, quality should always be of the highest concern. When creating video ads and promotions for your website, be sure to carefully consider your ad campaign. If you aren’t skilled or knowledgeable in video creation, contact a professional digital agency (such as CBO) who are video experts. When you have high quality media with appealing concepts, you can be confident that your business will achieve greater success.