When it comes to the success of your business, brand building should be an essential part of your overall marketing strategy. Brand building includes establishing your brand identity, generating brand awareness, and promoting your brand in a way that consistently reflects its identity.
To support growth in your business, brand building should be a major priority, and one of the most effective tools to assist with brand building in your marketing strategy is the use of branded video content.
Why is Video So Effective For Brand Building?
First, let me explain what I mean by “branded” video content. Branding is about more than just your logo, it’s about other visual elements that relate to your brand: brand colors or shapes and fonts, but also creative direction.
Are your visual elements sleek and modern, or are they traditional looking, and so on. Next, let’s talk about the creation of regular content.
Brand building thrives on the production of regular and consistent content. Publishing content allows your brand to be found online, and gives your audience a chance to learn about your products and services.
Producing content on a regular basis helps engage your audience and helps keep your brand at the front of mind. No other type of content performs as successfully as video content in this respect. Here’s why!
Brand Building Video draws viewer attention and holds it longer
People are drawn to interesting visuals more than they are to text. Studies have shown that people are more likely to watch and finish a video than they are to read and finish a page of written content.
Video enhances SEO
A website page that has video content is 53 times more likely to be listed on the first page of Google organic search results than sites without video, according to Forrester Research.
The better your site page ranks, the more exposure your website gets. Search algorithms are also positively impacted by the publishing and interaction with video content on YouTube, Facebook and other social media pages.
Video is more shareable than other content
Since it is more likely for consumers to watch video content, it results in more social interaction as well. Consumers are more likely to share, comment on or like video content than any other type of content. This helps boost brand exposure throughout various social media channels.
Consistent video enhances brand relate-ability
It’s much easier to convey the personality of your brand via the tone of a video than it is through text, which means that your audience is more likely to relate to your brand by watching your video content than by reading your written content. Repeated exposure to branded videos leverage this benefit many times over.
Ways to Use Video For Brand Building
Video may prove to be the best way to enhance your brand building.