In case you’re sick of hearing picture takers battle about which camera is better, don’t stress, you’re in the ideal spot! Today, we’re going to give a reasonable and adjusted evaluation of the greatest qualities and shortcomings of every last one of these brands.

non EOS R, Canon RF 28-70mm f/2 L | 1/2500 sec, f/2, ISO 6400 6-month Reviews: Canon EOS R, RF 28-70mm f/2 L
As a gear reviewer who loves testing all kinds of cameras and lenses, I get called a “fanboy” every now and then. The funny thing is, I get called a fanboy of Canon, Nikon and/or Sony pretty equally, depending on whatever gear I’m reviewing at the time!
The truth is, I’m just a camera geek, and I love to shoot with new gear. If I had tons of money, I’d own the latest camera bodies from all three brands, plus also Pentax, Olympus, Fuji, you get the idea…
Familiarity Breeds (A Little) Contempt

When you become amazingly acquainted with all the diverse camera frameworks, you do start to see the great and terrible, and you see it such that most picture takers won’t on the off chance that they’ve just at any point encountered their one most loved brand.
In case you’re a camera nerd like me, however, do you ever feel like you have to know for certain how green the grass is, on each side of each fence, simply to straighten something up?
In the event that you discover reality for yourself, you could quit thinking about all the wild claims and contentions that come to pass on the web. Or on the other hand, you may understand that there’s a superior framework out there which suits your own needs and inclinations much better.
A Ca-Nik-Son Roast?
Today we will accomplish something somewhat extraordinary. I began off considering it a “cook”, yet that sounded excessively misleading content y. We’re basically going to discuss some legit realities, and uncover probably the best and most exceedingly awful things about these three camera frameworks.
In the event that you have your own annoyances about your very own camera framework, kindly include a remark underneath! Simply don’t go destroying a camera framework that you’ve never really utilized widely. The web as of now has enough easy chair gear commentators.
[Related: Here’s the most serious issue with full-outline mirrorless that no one is talking about!]
Disclaimer: Bad Pictures Are Usually Your Own Fault
Yosemite National Park | Sony A7R3, Sony FE 70-300mm G
Before we make a plunge, it must be renounced that essentially every medium-to-top of the line camera made in the last 5-10 years is equipped for shocking outcomes. Indeed, even the most exceedingly terrible camera that we’d never prescribe to most picture takers is as yet prepared to do really stunning pictures, regardless it has a particular reason that some will discover fundamental.
Most importantly computerized cameras are only that great at this point. Along these lines, in case you’re attempting to improve your photography, particularly from an imaginative stance and not a specialized one, at that point chances are you’re not going to discover any disclosures in this article.
(For those of you who do battle with innovative or specialized difficulties, I’d like to direct you toward our immense library of photography instruction, which has workshops on pretty much every subject from photography rudiments to cutting edge picture lighting, and even business the board!)
This article is for the individuals who are just interested about which brands exceed expectations in which zones, and where they may miss the mark or fall flat. Since, as you start to push the envelope with certain propelled photography procedures, you may locate that one framework suits you superior to anything another, despite the fact that both could “take care of business”.
I’m just going to show a couple of the best and most exceedingly terrible things, however I have an incredibly, extensive rundown of most loved things and annoyances. Along these lines, in the event that you like the thought, it would be ideal if you share this, leave a remark beneath, and possibly we’ll do it once more!
Nikon – The “Adoration Hate Relationship”

That’s flagship weather sealing, folks! Landscape photographers, take note! Nikon Z7, Nikon Z 24-70mm f/4 S | Read our full Nikon Z7 review here
First, full disclosure: For 15+ years, I’ve mostly been a Nikon owner. As such, I have the longest list of both pros and cons for Nikon. (That is, if you count Sony’s entire user interface as just one big drawback, and not 30-40 different little ones.)